黑石英的斯芬克斯,审证我的誓言 Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow

(搬运着纸箱的卡库尔,尾巴像是没梳好的样子。) 于是学年就这样结束了。成绩么,不重要(是你没考好吧!)。在学校里给自己找了一个临时的住处,不过,下学期开始的时候还要再次搬家。搬这一次就够累了,4 个包和 2 个纸箱子把卡库尔折腾得上气不接下气。并且,下学期住在哪里,还不清楚……至少这 4 个月不至于流落街头了吧。^_^

So the academic year hath ended like this. Performance is not important (you haven’t scored well in the test, have you). Found a temporary place to live in school, though I still need to move when the next term starts. Moving once is tiring enough — four bags and two cardboard boxed had Kakur running out of breath. And I have no idea where to live in the next term… at least I won’t be wondering around the streets for the next 4 months. ^_^

但是接下来,还有很多事情要做。除了住房,还有助学贷款和奖学金的申请(卡库尔发现按现在的情况,钱根本不够用!)、下学期课程的选择(应该不应该改读软件工程?选修视觉艺术怎么样?)、以及自己的私心时间(学习漫画/日语之类的)……再加上学校的餐厅暑假不营业,估计还会因此得到料理技能 F 级。即使不去外面找工作,也可以预见是很充实的一个假期啊。

But there’s still a lot of things to do next. In addition to housing, there’s still the application for loans and bursaries (Kakur just found out for current conditions I am already short on cash!), the course selection for next term (should I switch to Software Engineering? How’s Visual Arts for a minor?) and my own interests (manga / Japanese)… and the cafeteria does not run in the summer, thus I may also acquire Cooking skill Rank F. Even if I don’t try to find work outside, this is sure going to be a very interesting summer.

话说,考试结束无聊,竟然制作了一个自己的手写字体 Nekotoba (猫语叶)。虽然只是直接将我的手写制作成字体,竟然还用了两个晚上。现在全面涵盖 ASCII 所有的字符共 96 个,加上引号等标点共 105 个字符。下一个目标当然是 GB2312,但是汉字的数目是很大的。日本的“当用汉字”(在学校中教授的汉字)就有近 1900 个,而中国国家标准 GB2312 所包括的汉字,则有 6763 个(不知道日文假名和符号算不算在这 6763个字里)。6千字……要写死猫的(笑)。

By the way, I was kinda bored after the test, so I made a font called Nekotoba, based on my own handwriting. Even it’s only directly taking my handwriting and making it into a font, it took me two evenings. Now it has all 96 characters from ASCII, and punctuation like quotes for a total of 105 glyphs. The next target is, of course, ideographs from Chinese national standard GB2312, but the number of Han Characters is epic. The number of Kanji in use in Japan (in other words, the characters taught in school) is about 1900, and the glyphs defined in GB2312 is 6763 (don’t know whether Japanese Kana) and symbols count towards this 6763). Six thousand ideographs… that’s so gonna kill a cat.

nekotoba sample


So let that be all of today. Ja’ne~