New Avatar!
New Shirt!
So I got myself a Luskwood Bunkies fennec avatar just to stop someone calling me “Digimon”…, as an added benefit now I don’t have to worry too much about exposure anymore. Though it seems that everyone are fairly easy on copyright, so I wonder why I’m worrying in the first place?
买了一件 Luskwood Bunkies 沙漠狐化身。这样应该不用担心曝光过度(注意,国内不能访问) 了吧?不过大家好像对版权不是那么在乎,那么我一开始担心的是什么呢……
And the shirt… I watched last week’s video tutorial and decided to turn the shirt design (that was featured in SkyKain’s rendition of my forum avatar) into (virtual) reality.
衬衫么……观看了上周的视频教程,然后决定把 SkyKain 给的伪兽设上的衬衫变成 (虚拟) 现实。
It occurred to me that this “cabbage wing” design, which I did years ago (perhaps in secondary school) is an emblem that’s something “mine”. Lo and behold it went on this shirt :p I think it was inspired by Cardcaptors, or Wind Fantasy Wing Saga, or maybe both…
And remember the earlier post about favicons? Yes, I made one too. 记得上篇关于网站图标吗?嗯~卡库尔也做了一个。
This should look good enough at 16*16 px.
16*16 像素下应该足够清楚吧。
Wikipedia is full of amazing things.
cat-1 | 此用户可以理解句中带猫叫的语法或可以模仿猫叫。 |
cat-4 | 这只用户已一定程度上猫化,可以与一个以上地区的猫咪(或你)做进阶的谈话喵~ |
cat | 喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵喵~!? |

異種鳴き交わし方式 – 一方向から誘導音「ピヨ」(または「カッコー」)が、逆方向から「ピヨピヨ」(または「カカコー」)が交互に鳴る。