工会罢工, 键盘进水, 艺术家方块压力大的日子 (一)

不记日志,一个月很快就过去了。开学的日子压力真大!好像有做不完的事。公交工会罢工, 新书比砖重, 然后竟然把豆桨打翻在笔记本电脑键盘里……经过卡库尔的全力抢修, 键盘终于报废了。XD 所以这篇日志由Bamboo Fun绘画版和Vista手写识别为您呈现~(没错,这全篇中文全是手写的, 而英文大部分是听写的。)

不过,虽然条件一下变得很困难, 卡库尔在包括#twokinds, #wikifur, #furthiahigh等的聊天室常客, 同学和最可扑的家人的支持下,感觉还是不错。并且, 其实手写和语音识别…虽然不怎么准, 还是挺的。

Without blogging, one month has passed really. The days of back to school is full of pressure! It’s like the things that I’d need to do never comes to an end. The bus union went on strike, the new books weigh heavier than bricks, and how did I spill my precious soy syrup onto my laptop keyboard? After Kakurady fullest rescue efforts, the keyboard has finally been completely messed up. So this post is brought to you by Vista speech and handwriting (w)recognition. XD (yes, this post is mostly dictated for the English part, and handwritten for the Chinese part)

But, despite all the sudden hardship, with support from many people including chat room regulars, friends, classmates and the most pounceable family, I’m still feeling pretty well. And besides, actually handwriting and voice recognition … even if not very accurate, is still very cool.

To be continued …
