

还算是不错?计算机系有一个很大很大~的电脑房。屏幕也是不一般的大!而且,还可以把自己的绘图板拿过来插进去。(虽然还是当鼠标用,从来不画画……)虽然,每次启动的时候都要重新设置一下,一设置就是十分钟: 分辨率调整,安装Firefox、绘图板驱动软件、中文支持和Windows Live套装。不过装完了以后基本上就可以开始上网冲浪了,再加上楼上就有食堂,所以很舒服~



当然这样一天下来并不是完全没有收获,也发现了一些很可爱的东西,例如在eBay上的很可爱的浣熊帽子(可惜按照当前的进度,恐怕要送货到中国才行),以及……一大堆很奇怪的中国上海(!)制造的布偶装,从刺猬Silver到虹猫蓝兔都有。大部分都很难看。少数很漂亮,而且价格绝对低廉!只不过毕竟是版权物…… 不管怎么说虽然质量不算高这也算是个兽装制作者吧?(汗)





据Nintendo Power称《库洛诺亚·通往幻梦界之门》Wii重制在五月份发行。五月份……计划说是回上海的。就是从eBay上进口也一定要入手!不过听说如果没有修工程统计的话明年选课会有些难呢?
As told by Nintendo Power, the Wii remake of Kuronoa: Door to Phantomile is to be released in May. May… I planned to go back to Shanghai. But even if I have to import it from eBay, I’ll do all I have to to get it! But it’s said if I don’t take Statistics for Engineers it would be difficult to choose courses for next year?

WikiFur中文版最近开张了!卡库尔是创始人之一。……其实没做什么事。目前总共也只有5条条目而已。不过我希望能够通过建立中文的兽人爱好者资料库,在华语圈内能够创造更多的毛毛迷 (顺便把人气从白牙那里全部拉走(误))。第一条条目是库洛诺亚
The Chinese WikiFur is open! Kakurady being one of the founders. …didn’t do much actually. There’s currently only 5 articles. But I hope by creating a Chinese furry fan database, create more furry fans in the Sinosphere (and pull all the popularity from Alphawolf Kiba (no, that’s not true)). The first article is Klonoa.

但是如果是兽人百科全书的话,第一条条目应该是兽人才对吧?问题是,“兽人”在中文兽人次文化中至少有四种不同的解释 (还不算最流行的绿皮肤的那一种)。
But if it’s a furry encyclopedia, you would expect the first article to be about furry, right? The problem is "beast man" has four meanings in the Chinese-speaking furry/therianthrope subculture (that’s not counting the most popular green skin one…).

看到Vista一个月没有更新才意识到半个月一直都在使用Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope 内测版。安装Alpha版本的动机很简单:因为专有软件的第二人生语音组件(由Vivox提供的)经常把PulseAudio声音服务器弄瘫!升级到9.04以后,Pulse果然不瘫了……但是Vivox语音却霸占一个内核,让XOrg, Pulse和第二人生只能分着另外一个内核……性能可想而知。
It’s upon seeing that Vista hasn’t been checking for updates for a month did I realize that half a month have I been using Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope alpha. The motivation to install an Alpha is simple: because the properitary Second Life voice component (provided by Vivox) often collapses PulseAudio audio server! After updating to 9.04, Pulse stopped failing… but Vivox voice keeps one core to itself, leaving XOrg, Pulse and Second Life to the other core… you can imagine how painful the performance is.

9.04另外一个很明显的改变就是新的争论重大的通知系统 (notify-osd)。Windows 通知区域有时候也会冒出来几个气泡,气泡本身可以点,还有一个叉子可以按。GNOME桌面一直也是这样的。但是Canonical 的用户体验工作小组却想出来一个完全只能看不能摸连个记录都没有的通知守护进程。……其实这倒和《洛奇》的通知挺像。不过一定要用默认的图标才有音量显示么?
Another visible change is the new and controversal notification system (notify-osd). The Windows Notification Area sometimes pops up some bubbles, too, the bubbles themselves are clickable, and there’s a cross to push. The GNOME desktop has been like this way too. But the Canonical user experience group made up something that you can only look but not touch and doesn’t even keep a record that kind of notification daemon. … it kinda feels like the notifications in Mabinogi. But does the default icon set have to be used to have volume changes displayed?

Another annoyance is XOrg. No pressure for stylus, eraser tracking needs to be configured in command line, unplug the Apple Mighty Mouse (a USB mouse) and the whole X server collapses!

The junk all over the room is cleaned all right, but the homework is piled up again! Although, I was playing Okami in the weekends. Writing two journal entries takes four hours?!


Come to think of it I shouldn’t have worked on this picture to go with this post for another hour (kaboom