GAnime 2010

好像前一天还在上海玩太鼓之达人呢,一下子就到了二月份了。周六在河对面有动漫展,决定过去看看。结果在8路公交车上……上来几只小动物。“难道是兽人?——哎?!Zets?! 你怎么……?!”

结果两天下来都跟在兽装后面拍照片……实际剧场、讲座、文艺表演都没有去 (赶774狐的生日派对,结果过去基本上就是睡觉玩游戏+争抢喇叭)。不过,拍了大概有170张照片,收获不小。

It’s as if I was playing Taiko no Tatsujin in Shanghai just yesterday, but February has already swiftly arrived. There was an anime con on the other side of the river, decided to take a look on a whim. On the way there… some critters boarded the route 8 bus. “Furries? … Wha… Zets?!”

Ended up taking pics after fursuiters for the whole two days, didn’t actually went to see manga showings, panels or masquerade (was hurrying to 774fox’s birthday party, but only things I did there were to sleep play games + fighting for the loudspeakers). But 170 (usable) pictures were taken, quite a lot!

蓝色的狐狼Sio是个很可爱的女孩子,穿上兽装之后更是萌暴了~不过可惜已经有男朋友了。他的兽装也是Sio做的,不过可惜不太像老虎。很棒的一对呢。基本上卡库尔两天就跟着这一对后面当照相机+电灯泡。(然后回来每个人都说我拍得很好,真的么^^||)这次Coser也很多呢,但是基本上是拣自己喜欢的作品抓拍……特别注意的是卡库尔借戴了一下.hack//GU版本的 Kite的帽子。虽然Cosplay是讲究效果不讲究舒适的,可是帽子真的好~舒服,可惜没有拍下来……(不过听说帽子做的太小了,带上假发就不适合了) 另外还遇到了从蒙特利尔来的兽装穿着者Fufu一只?!

Sio, the blue folf, is a very cute girl, and even more so when wearing her fursuit~ too bad she already has a boyfriend. His fursuit is made by Sio too, too bad it doesn’t look like a tiger much. A great couple. Basically Kaku was following the pair for the whole weekend like a lamppost / photographer. (And everyone said I took great pictures! Really? ^^||) A lot of cosers as well, but I bacially picked those from my fave works… Especially I borrowed the hat of  .hack//GU version of Kite, although cosplay is more about effect and less about comfort, but the hat is just so~ comfortable, too bad didn’t took a picture of it… (But he said the hat was too small and won’t fit after donning the wig) Also met a fursuiter named Fufu who were coming from Montreal


I have a bell I have a bell I have a bell I have a bell I have a bell I have a bell I have a bell I have a bell I have a bell I have a bell I have a bell I have a bell…


好想多玩一会儿Rock Band…


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