777: 7 courses, 7 days, 7 assignments.

The title is not a reference to 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors. No, it’s not! Uh-uh! Nope!

So for some slackitude reasons, I had 6 assignments piled up, all due on the week of Feburary 1st or the Monday immediately after. (Actually 7, as I forgot to ask for one professor’s web site.) Since there is an anime con in the weekend, my plan was to complete everything during the weekdays, for there won’t be any time to do them during the weekend, and undone homework would be a really bad thing to have at a con.

During the week, I handed in a web client and suh-vuh, a demo of a ball bouncing in a dish, a token ring simulator (kinda) and an artificial stupidity. 2 Java classes, one C++ project, one C file, and the odd one Python spaghetti (glad that semicolon does nothing in Python), one missed class (just… one… more… compile…), and everything’s finally done… on Saturday lunchtime. The panels I wanted to go are all finished. Oh well, better slow than missed bugs, I suppose.

大概是因为懒惰的关系吧,从二月一日到二月八日的一个星期多一天,竟然堆了7门作业要交 (虽然有一门我不知道)。打算周末去动漫展,所以决定在周末前把作业全部做完——没做完的作业可不是一件适合带到动漫展的东西。

一周中交上了网络客户端和糊误器各一件,在盘子里弹跳的球一个,令牌网模拟器一块,还有人工无能一只。2个Java类、一个C++工程、一个C文件、还有明显不同的Python乌东面一份 (还好多写一个分号也没问题),终于在……周六中午完成了。想去的动漫展讲座,全部讲完了。哎,总比漏了程序错误强吧。


展览会场作过了装修,今年感觉十分的现代 (后现代? 后后现代?),但是不知道为什么,面向中庭的窗全被用儿童画盖上了。实话说,不和谐。当然,从窗看下去,展会的忙碌和外面的购物中心的空荡,确实差别很大。不过我还是觉得,能够看到参展者吃饭 (特别是动漫展的时候,coser 在吃饭) 会觉得这地方很亲近。

游戏室周日很早就撤了,《王国之心II》存档记录时间:6 小时。也许不应该呆在游戏室,而是去听听讲座什么的。去年的动漫藏书室,今年是放映室,唯一的一个英语放映室。


This is the second time attending GAnime, so for some slackitude reasons, I didn’t register beforehand, and paid admission on the spot instead. Because didn’t had furries together like last time, and my camera also disappeared, it was relatively less interesting.

The location has been renovated, it feels very modern this year (post-modern? post-post-modern?); but for some reason the windows to the atrium have been covered with drawings by children. Frankly, not harmonious. Of course, between the busy conference center up here and the empty shopping center down there, it is a big contrast. But I still feel it makes the place friendlier if you can see other attendees (especially in the case of anime con, cosplayers) eating.

The games room were cleaned out very early on Sunday, save record for Kingdom Hearts II indicates playtime of 6 hours. Maybe I should have gone to panels instead. Where was manga library last year, was a screening room this year, the only English one.

Conclusion: No matter if it’s an anime con or a furry con, going alone is not very interesting.

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