从为下学期购买的课本来看,应该有一门课程是学习 Prolog 和 Scheme. 从计算机科学的角度看这两门语言很有趣。不过,和许多其它语言的只有一个或两个主要的实现的情况不一样的是,Scheme的解释器和编译器有一大堆。用哪个好呢?
From the the textbooks to be bought for the next semester, it seems that one course will teach Scheme andProlog. These would be interesting from a computer science standpoint. But unlike the situation with other languages where there’s only one or two major implementations, there are a few dozen of interpreters and compilers for Scheme. Which one to use?
P.S. I took a look at the Syllabus and it appears Pascal will also be taught and there will be a lab on Linux. Well, I don’t really think I’ll need that.
又: 看了下课程安排,似乎还要教Pascal,并且还有两节关于Linux的。看来上课又要 (暂时) 开始睡觉了。