
从为下学期购买的课本来看,应该有一门课程是学习 Prolog 和 Scheme. 从计算机科学的角度看这两门语言很有趣。不过,和许多其它语言的只有一个或两个主要的实现的情况不一样的是,Scheme的解释器和编译器有一大堆。用哪个好呢?

From the the textbooks to be bought for the next semester, it seems that one course will teach Scheme andProlog. These would be interesting from a computer science standpoint. But unlike the situation with other languages where there’s only one or two major implementations, there are a few dozen of interpreters and compilers for Scheme. Which one to use?

P.S. I took a look at the Syllabus and it appears Pascal will also be taught and there will be a lab on Linux. Well, I don’t really think I’ll need that.
又: 看了下课程安排,似乎还要教Pascal,并且还有两节关于Linux的。看来上课又要 (暂时) 开始睡觉了。

Untitled 1 无题 1

This is great – I just realized I forgot to attend the final exam yesterday. That means I’m now three courses lagging behind schedule and that’s much of a problem… Not that I did anything well in the course, logic circuits are hard to understand… but I finally understood it and now I need to take it again. Ouch.






当《新天翼之链》以全新的姿态展现在广大玩家面前时,我们满怀希望;然后此刻,我们怀着万分不舍的心情,在这里通知广大喜爱、并自始至终陪伴着《新天翼之链》的玩家朋友们: 2008年12月30日10:00,我们将关闭《新天翼之链》的所有游戏服务器。与此同时,《新天翼之链》也将正式停止其在中国大陆地区的运营。








世纪天成  12月12日


If one online game can have its service stopped for twice, that must be a rare happening, but TalesWeaver still did it.


光与影 Light and Dark

[2008-12-10 23:08:12] * NekoYasha wonders why always the Anons doing the scanlations.
[2008-12-10 23:08:30] <Bakuryu> cuz its technically illegal


不交作业应该可以说是卡库尔的一个旧习惯了。这样的改不过来的坏习惯还是不少。奇怪的是和卡库尔心目中自己理想的形象相差甚远。理想中,卡库尔应该是勤劳、勇敢、机智、活泼的可爱少年。这好像说的有点太夸张……哈哈。不过实际的我呢?懒散,能拖则拖能逃则逃,做事没有主次,成天独自窝在家里不跟别人说话,喜爱偷懒,讨厌繁琐的问题,不甚整洁 (虽然最近有所改观),晚睡晚起,以及一些我还是不想说的事情。另外接近19.5的年龄对可爱形象也一点没有贡献。

10% of the course score, and I skipped it… nosebleeds doesn’t help either.

Not handing in homework is an old habit of Kakur. There are much bad habits like this that went uncorrected. What is strange is that it is miles away from the ideal image in myself. Ideally, Kakur should be a diligent, courageous, clever and active cute boy. Sounds like a bit too exaggerated… haha. But in reality? Lazy, takes everything to the last minute and avoids if all possible, no priorities, staying at home for all day without talking with someone, procrastinates a lot, doesn’t like complex problems, has not much emphasis in cleanness, sleeps and wakes late and other things I’d rather not talk about. And the age that approaches 19.5 contributes absolutely nothing towards the cute image.


Feels particularly sinned after waking up. Haichu, what will come must be faced. If no pass, then the only recourse is to re-take the course. But in any case, I still need to prepare for the coming exams and courses in the next semester. Sneezing just like yesterday. Did I caught a cold…

前些日子浏览英文维基®百科® (顺便说一下,卡库尔强烈反对维基®在台湾注册为商标),遇到一篇条目标题为“心理阴影”——心理阴影是荣格 (这是谁) 分析心理学中的,与人自我 (ego) 相对,人隐藏、憎恶的黑暗一面 (情结)。这黑暗并不是一定是邪恶的,而是与表人格相对的存在:好人的阴影是坏的,而坏人的阴影是好的。

Browsing the English Wikipedia® (by the way, I strongly object 维基 — a transliteration of wiki used in Wikimedia projects — to be registered as a trademark in Taiwan) and came across an article titled “psychological shadow” – a construct in Jungian psychology, which is an opposite of ego, the hidden, abominated dark side (complex). Such darkness does not need to be evil, but merely an existance contary to the surface persona : a good one’s shadow is bad while a bad one’s shadow is good.


Is that… the polluted… the shadowed… me?


Of course there’s no such thing on the world like a perfectly good or bad man, so you can also find hidden treasures in the shadow.

不过卡库尔总是分不清自我和人格面具 (persona)。Persona 是人对他人表现的性格。果然还是“独处的时候才能看出一个人的真正性格”么。戴上面具之后,就分不出自己是谁……无法了解自己。所以卡库尔没有兽设 (fursona,来自于 persona的英文一般含义,角色) 么?当然面具带久了,就会成为佩戴者真正的脸。我不希望自己对外的表现与实际相差太大,可以说面具是戴给自己看的;所以才会分不清楚吗?

But Kakur can’t tell apart ego and persona. Persona is what one displays to others. So “one’s true character shows when he’s alone” after all. Wearing the mask, one won’t be able to tell themselves apart… unable to know themselves. Is that why Kakur does not have a fursona (a word based on the common meaning of “role”)? Of course, when the mask has been worn too long, it becomes the wearer’s face. I don’t want my appearance to differ much from the “real me”, in a sense the mask is worn for myself; is that why I can’t understand?

要了解他人,先要了解自己。我问 Torley Wong, 如何了解自己?回答是,要询问自己问题,然后去世界中寻找答案。

To know others one must know thyself. I asked Torley Wong, how do you know yourself? The answer was, to ask yourself questions then embark on a quest for the answers in the world.


But the self changes across time. But does time actually exist? Almost all physical progresses can be reversed, except for entropy, which always increases as the time increases, like an arrow of time. If the formation of memories in the brain, is also related to entrophy, does that mean the future we speak of, is only an illusion? Do we have free will? Or like machines, which after started, the destiny will never change? Or like Scherodinger’s cat, every decision is a collapse of the waveform, the word progresses towards the left silt or the right one…


… if my journal can see the future… it probably won’t have anything other than the party line.

扯远了。一家之言总是要就者一点盐服用的 (英文直译误)。相信自己是最重要的。扬帆起航向新世界出发。

That was too far away from the topic. It’s a single schools opinion, so it should be taken with a grain of salt. It’s most important to believe in oneself. Set sail to the new world.

如果说Anima是“心目中男性的形象”的话,那么+Anima 就是将心目中的形象投射出来?

荣格心理学另外有 Animus (女性形象), Puer Aeter (“永恒少年”), 以及 Senex (睿者)。那不是水火金雷中的少司命吗?

状态更新 Status Update

First an announcement. Because it’s harder to use Windows Live Spaces (especially in Firefox under GNOME), I’m thinking of writing blogs first to the mirror site, Nekotoba instead. This would mean if I ever decide to use Ubuntu again, updates to Kir’s Corner may get delayed for a while (read: days).

Well, since no one reads either blog, it’s not like anyone would see this announcement. But hopefully this would give me the incentive to update more often, which could boost the popularity of either side a little bit.

首先是一项通告。因为 (特别在 GNOME 下使用 Firefox 中) 使用 Windows Live Spaces 比较麻烦,我现在在考虑优先更新镜像站 Nekotoba. 这意味着如果我哪天打算再去用Ubuntu,对Kir’s Corner 的更新可能会延迟一会儿 (也就是:几天)。


说是这么说,不过最近 Windows Live 最近发表第三波 (Wave 3),包括许多新功能,似乎相当有潜力。微软是个很奇怪的公司,除了主营业务以外都很受用户欢迎 (笑)。

That said, Windows Live just released Wave 3 recently, with many new features, seems to have a lot of potential. Microsoft is a weird company, all their businesses are highly welcomed by the users except for the main one. <g>


(Days ago I saw a joking comment on Slashdot that said, Microsoft is a good mouse manufactor, just that everyone hates them for their side business of operating systems.) 


To this wendesday, all lessons of this term has ended. Doesn’t seem to have learned anything for all that I went through this term, can’t even complete the assignments. Exams are coming up! Let’s do this. Gotta start and finish the assignment for the computer engineering course, takes a big portion of the score so very important. Approximated the time, it’s about ten hours.


因此大部分从九月份就列出的未完成的项目,到现在都没有动静。兽装没有下一刀,有一个月没有写日志/画画了(实话说,写一次日志就要一小时),估计再去画的话,风格又要转变了。Second Life® 客户端的翻译确是完成了,不过质量就……。不过这么大的项目能完成也是不容易呢。

Either being busy, or being lazy lately. Assignments coming from the left and mails coming from the right, then the garbage bin fills without me noticing. Finally got everything done but then finds myself going around the web reading things that can’t even be remembered. Spreading the attention too thin? But with all that I read everyday, even when I want to give up some, I just don’t know what to throw away.

So most uncompleted stuff from September has not been touched even to now. Fursuit has not been cut once, one month without blogging / drawing (to be frank, writing a blog entry takes about one hour) and if I go on to draw again the style probably will change once more. The translation for Second Life® client has been completed, but the quality is…. It was quite a feat to complete such a big project though.

又读了几部漫画,引发了一场 meme, 投了一次票 (结果是输的那一方 -ω-). 那,今天就到这里吧。下次接着日志。

Read some comics, started a meme, went in a vote (and lost -ω-). So let this be all of today. See you soon.

目前项目状态 / Current project status


  • 兽装 – 0%……
    Fursuit – 0%…
  • 10 000th hit – 0%……

SVG 切割器已经完成但是制作一个字要一分钟太长所以 Nekotoba 字体项目暂时搁置。
SVG cutter has been completed but making a glyph takes one minute which is too long so Nekotoba font project is shelved.