Last Sunday a fur came to #wikifur asking if there’s a furry meetup in Ottawa, Kakur me happen to have heard of a Ottawa fur fan forum, so I told him about it. Later seeing that there’s such a meet on Friday, thinking maybe I would be able to meet that person, so I decided to – check it out!
In the end it’s disappointing that I wasn’t able to find him, but I still enjoyed myself – because there were 6 fursuiters. Six! (Since there were furs coming from other places in Ontario.) And a bunch of other people, too, coming for this furmeet.
约定集合的地点,是市中心的战争纪念碑,离住的地方只有20分钟的路程。陆陆续续地有兽开始聚集,聊天拍照。也有几位和卡库尔一样是新来的,所以经常会听到有人问名字。然后两个穿兽装的家伙出现了 (都是狗),然后就开始乱抱人。唔……真的好毛!虽然渥太华还没有完全入春,但是他们说就是这样的天气兽装里面还是很热呢。(好羡慕……卡库尔快冻死了……)
The meeting place is the War Memorial in downtown, only 20 minutes walk from where I live. Furries started coming one by one, chatting, taking photos. Some are new too, like Kakurady, so people asking each others’ names can be heard often. Then two people in fursuits appeared (both dogs) and started to randomly hug other people. Mmm…so warm and fluffy! Even though Ottawa has not completely entered spring, they told me that it is hot inside fursuits despite the cold weather. (Which makes me so envious… it’s freezing outside…)
然后众人开始向Byward Market进发!绕了一大圈,不时停下来合影拍照什么的。
Then everyone started marching towards Byward Market! Went for a loop, stopping to take pictures and stuff.
Many schools have arranged field trips for that day, there were three school buses in the market, and much students on the way back to parliament square. Many furs chatted along the way, but Kakurady basically just went around the fursuiters! They didn’t seem to mind, though, and instead were quite happy about it.
到了议会广场之后来了三位新的兽装者,原来三位跑去脱掉 (也是很热的呀),又打闹了一会儿。然后到Rideau Centre的美食广场吃了点东西,一天的活动基本上就结束了,有几位兽继续去吃自助寿司,剩下的则各奔东西。
After arriving at the parliament hill, three new fursuiters came and the original three went to un-suit (it is hot inside), and then everyone played a bit. We then ate at Rideau Centre food court, and that was the end of the day’s activity, with some furs going for sushi buffets and the rest going their ways.
值得一提的是超活力社工浣熊Zets。无论是穿着兽装还是没穿,都一直相当精力充沛。这一点有点像Torley Linden? 而且是扎马尾的浣熊,好可爱。(不知道棒球队还是什么队的吉祥物的鸡看到一只(竟然是!)浣熊跑来合影, 心里是什么想法呢?……)
Worthy of mention is Hyperactive Social Worker Raccoon Zets. No matter if he’s in suit or out of suit, he’s always very energetic. Reminds me bit of Torley Linden. And he’s a raccoon in a ponytail, how cute. (I wonder what the chicken mascot of was-that-a-baseball-team-or-some-other-kind-of-sports-team thought when he sees a freaking raccoon coming up to take a picture with him, though?)