背水不战?All-or-noth… well… yeah…

So all that lagging behind to now, there’s no way out, it’s all or nothing now…

那怎么起来还是在乱搞Apache, 以及测试在 Ubuntu 下向 Windows Live Spaces 发送日志的事情。真够无聊的。
So why all the messing with Apache and testing to submit to Windows Live Spaces under Ubuntu. Such a bore.

为什么用Ubuntu? 因为昨天是补丁星期三~微软一下子推过来11个更新,自然要重新起动,然后么~所以虽然连续运行了500小时还是要重新起动。GNU/Linux的优势就在这里体现出来了~正在使用的文件都可以更新很强大。
Why Ubuntu? Yesterday was a patch Wednesday~ Microsoft pushed down 11 updates, which all need a reboot, so… even with a 500 hour uptime there’s still a necessity for a reboot. Here is where GNU/Linux shines ~ even files in use can be updated, very good very strong.

Lastly, something done on Monday.

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