… but isn’t stealing supposed to be KAITO‘s work.
Author: Kakurady
無能繪師 38 問
1.偷工減料當Q版 正常比例的都不会画……
2被人看到自己的圖時會說[修行中…]做理由 这倒不会。是画的不行就是画的不行。
3.畫的不好時會說[用滑鼠畫的…/沒繪圖板…]這類理由 因为有画图版,所以不成立。虽然,绘图板一般也只是用来当鼠标用。
4.只會畫臉 身体还行……除了某些地方可能有点问题。
5.臉永遠望向同一方向 最多是斜侧面,不过偶尔确实有正面和侧面的。不过好像没看过背面?
6.只有頭會認真畫 因为身体太简单了(误
7.角色的分別只有髮型不同 除了自己没有画过别的角色 (再误
8.分不清左右的畫法 应该不会……
9.不會做草稿/只會做草稿 数个月从没完稿过……
10.用PS時不重視圖層或完全不用 一般只有三层。是不是有些少呢……
11.構圖全部差不多 构图是什么?好吃吗?
12.每次角色表情一樣 啊…除了一般和在笑的表情就不会画了
13.不會畫有動作的圖 确实不会。
14.不會畫下半截腳 经常很困绕呢。
15.不會畫俯視仰視圖 这应该不算太难吧。
16.同一角色在不同的構圖就會變成不同的角色 即使构图一样,也没有一次是角色一样的。
17.只會/不會畫人,或相反 只会画兽人……
18.除了萌繪就什麼都畫不出 真的不行呢。
19.不會畫老人 二连击……
20.畫不好手或手指 三连击……
21.理想高但沒有行 四连击 (上次绘画是在一月份)……
22.第一隻眼拚死地畫但第二隻眼就作畫崩壞) 没有那回事~
23.將圖左右反轉會很恐怖 检查过了。基本上没有这种事情。
24.每次都只做到線稿就完成 真的是这样呢……
25.不理解筋肉骨骼構造 还好吧。
26.認為[所謂的五官不過是貼在臉上的肉而已] 根本是在头部模型上在贴图(误
27.胸部的位置很”獵奇” 胸部是什么,好吃吗?
28.會畫有六隻手指的手或左右手相反 偶尔会画出来左右相反的……
29.很會評論別人的畫但自己永遠畫不好 如果能够因为待论坛待太久而变得能够看得出别人的进步和不足也就好了。
30.本來為收集資料而收的圖最後就成了自己的屬性 和梦梦狐一样,因为喜欢可爱所以才会收可爱的图啊。
31.畫畫途中會分心做其他事 即使作画工具是电脑,投入的话也会忘记周围的东西。
32.認為繪圖板是會令畫功進步的道具 买来第一天就知道不是这样的
33.畫了張很滿意的圖但第二天再看時就囧了 没,没那么夸张吧。
34.一星期只會畫一張圖或更少 一个月才画一次……
35.有開網站放自己的圖但一直沒有更新 这是个问题啊
36.畫エロ(色情)圖但最後會變成グロ(獵奇)圖 很黄,很暴力!
37.覺得沒有才能再多努力也沒用 有才能当然好。但是天赋和后天努力是互相不能替代的,虽然需要成功并不一定两者都需要。
38.其實根本就不會畫圖 答对了!*洒花* 但是谁一开始不是都不会的么。(只是有点担心,这么长时间没有练习,再继续会不会有点难?)
Throught the last year I have been translating Second Life client into simplified Chinese, and – it has finally been made it to the Release Candidate! (Along with other languages.) Download from Second Life website.
去年中我一直在翻译第二人生的客户端,因为原来的翻译实在不怎么样。而现在翻译基本完成,结合到最新的 1.22 发行候选版了!(和其他语言一起。) 你可以从第二人生官方网站下载。
For the Chinese version, there are a lot of things that could use a proofread, and gloss work to be done. Wanna help out? Not just for Chinese – there are other languages, like Danish, German, French, Japanese and more! Be sure to help volunteer translators out by testing and report any issues you may find for a language you speak.
But I plan to move on, there are other things I want to spend time on. So I’m glad that Ken March has came to help out brining SL to more Chinese residents! Ken is the founder of Islab, which was once an important Chinese SL community. So he has bigger experience and recognition in SL than the unknown Geneko.
不过我打算结束翻译,而转做一些别的事情。我很高兴 Ken March 能够帮助林登实验室将第二人生带给更多的说汉语的居民。Ken 是易思实验室的创始人,而易思实验室曾是第二人生中一个重要的中文社区。我相信相比于根本没人听说过的 Geneko 来说,Ken 对这虚拟世界有着更多的经验和知名度。
But after looking at his first batch of translations… I’m worried that maybe I still need to keep helping for a while.
不过看了 Ken 的第一批翻译…… 我实在有点担心。照这样的话可能卡库尔还要继续翻译一段时间呢。
去蒙特利尔参加了 CUSEC 听了不少演讲, 得了感冒,父母来了又走,公交恢复,收到了TwoKinds 第一卷,Second Life 情人节寻宝活动得奖 (可是我没有兴趣啊),阅读周,期中考试,买来了 Wii 却没有玩 (连电视信号都没有…), 这些事情,不记下来的话真的很容易忘掉呢。还好偶尔会 tweet…
The wind gently blows and the snow melts, but a cat fur hasn’t been updating for two months, and seems to have evaporized. Don’t worry, Kakurady is genki dechu.
Even if it’s quite convienent, I’m still reluctant in updating the weblog, making a “disappearance” for two months.
Went to Montreal for CUSEC and sat though many lectures, caught a cold, parents came and went, the bus resumes, got TwoKinds Book One in the mail, won a prize in Second Life valentine event (b-but I’m single), reading week, mid-terms, brought a Wii but have no time to play (and there’s no cable TV signal…), all these things are so easy to forget without writing them down. Good that I tweet sometimes…
Just from this you can see that even if Kakur sits in front of the computer all day, I still do have a wide hobby, and that doesn’t include the routine shopping, cooking, chatting, and webmanga reading. It’s often said that having more skills cannot burden one, but with limited time, it’s also annoying with too much hobbbies. This makes recordkeeping even more important, for others and for myself.
Daylight Savings time starts tomorrow. This makes noon 13h, but more importantly, also makes it only one hour from sunrise to first class on Monday, the time is tight!
工会罢工, 键盘进水, 艺术家方块压力大的日子 (一)
不记日志,一个月很快就过去了。开学的日子压力真大!好像有做不完的事。公交工会罢工, 新书比砖重, 然后竟然把豆桨打翻在笔记本电脑键盘里……经过卡库尔的全力抢修, 键盘终于报废了。XD 所以这篇日志由Bamboo Fun绘画版和Vista手写识别为您呈现~(没错,这全篇中文全是手写的, 而英文大部分是听写的。)
不过,虽然条件一下变得很困难, 卡库尔在包括#twokinds, #wikifur, #furthiahigh等的聊天室常客, 同学和最可扑的家人的支持下,感觉还是不错。并且, 其实手写和语音识别…虽然不怎么准, 还是挺酷的。
Without blogging, one month has passed really. The days of back to school is full of pressure! It’s like the things that I’d need to do never comes to an end. The bus union went on strike, the new books weigh heavier than bricks, and how did I spill my precious soy syrup onto my laptop keyboard? After Kakurady fullest rescue efforts, the keyboard has finally been completely messed up. So this post is brought to you by Vista speech and handwriting (w)recognition. XD (yes, this post is mostly dictated for the English part, and handwritten for the Chinese part)
But, despite all the sudden hardship, with support from many people including chat room regulars, friends, classmates and the most pounceable family, I’m still feeling pretty well. And besides, actually handwriting and voice recognition … even if not very accurate, is still very cool.
To be continued …