


去蒙特利尔参加了 CUSEC 听了不少演讲, 得了感冒,父母来了又走,公交恢复,收到了TwoKinds 第一卷,Second Life 情人节寻宝活动得奖 (可是我没有兴趣啊),阅读周,期中考试,买来了 Wii 却没有玩 (连电视信号都没有…), 这些事情,不记下来的话真的很容易忘掉呢。还好偶尔会 tweet



The wind gently blows and the snow melts, but a cat fur hasn’t been updating for two months, and seems to have evaporized. Don’t worry, Kakurady is genki dechu.

Even if it’s quite convienent, I’m still reluctant in updating the weblog, making a “disappearance” for two months.

Went to Montreal for CUSEC and sat though many lectures, caught a cold, parents came and went, the bus resumes, got TwoKinds Book One in the mail, won a prize in Second Life valentine event (b-but I’m single), reading week, mid-terms, brought a Wii but have no time to play (and there’s no cable TV signal…), all these things are so easy to forget without writing them down. Good that I tweet sometimes…

Just from this you can see that even if Kakur sits in front of the computer all day, I still do have a wide hobby, and that doesn’t include the routine shopping, cooking, chatting, and webmanga reading. It’s often said that having more skills cannot burden one, but with limited time, it’s also annoying with too much hobbbies. This makes recordkeeping even more important, for others and for myself.

Daylight Savings time starts tomorrow. This makes noon 13h, but more importantly, also makes it only one hour from sunrise to first class on Monday, the time is tight!

工会罢工, 键盘进水, 艺术家方块压力大的日子 (一)

不记日志,一个月很快就过去了。开学的日子压力真大!好像有做不完的事。公交工会罢工, 新书比砖重, 然后竟然把豆桨打翻在笔记本电脑键盘里……经过卡库尔的全力抢修, 键盘终于报废了。XD 所以这篇日志由Bamboo Fun绘画版和Vista手写识别为您呈现~(没错,这全篇中文全是手写的, 而英文大部分是听写的。)

不过,虽然条件一下变得很困难, 卡库尔在包括#twokinds, #wikifur, #furthiahigh等的聊天室常客, 同学和最可扑的家人的支持下,感觉还是不错。并且, 其实手写和语音识别…虽然不怎么准, 还是挺的。

Without blogging, one month has passed really. The days of back to school is full of pressure! It’s like the things that I’d need to do never comes to an end. The bus union went on strike, the new books weigh heavier than bricks, and how did I spill my precious soy syrup onto my laptop keyboard? After Kakurady fullest rescue efforts, the keyboard has finally been completely messed up. So this post is brought to you by Vista speech and handwriting (w)recognition. XD (yes, this post is mostly dictated for the English part, and handwritten for the Chinese part)

But, despite all the sudden hardship, with support from many people including chat room regulars, friends, classmates and the most pounceable family, I’m still feeling pretty well. And besides, actually handwriting and voice recognition … even if not very accurate, is still very cool.

To be continued …



从为下学期购买的课本来看,应该有一门课程是学习 Prolog 和 Scheme. 从计算机科学的角度看这两门语言很有趣。不过,和许多其它语言的只有一个或两个主要的实现的情况不一样的是,Scheme的解释器和编译器有一大堆。用哪个好呢?

From the the textbooks to be bought for the next semester, it seems that one course will teach Scheme andProlog. These would be interesting from a computer science standpoint. But unlike the situation with other languages where there’s only one or two major implementations, there are a few dozen of interpreters and compilers for Scheme. Which one to use?

P.S. I took a look at the Syllabus and it appears Pascal will also be taught and there will be a lab on Linux. Well, I don’t really think I’ll need that.
又: 看了下课程安排,似乎还要教Pascal,并且还有两节关于Linux的。看来上课又要 (暂时) 开始睡觉了。

Untitled 1 无题 1

This is great – I just realized I forgot to attend the final exam yesterday. That means I’m now three courses lagging behind schedule and that’s much of a problem… Not that I did anything well in the course, logic circuits are hard to understand… but I finally understood it and now I need to take it again. Ouch.






当《新天翼之链》以全新的姿态展现在广大玩家面前时,我们满怀希望;然后此刻,我们怀着万分不舍的心情,在这里通知广大喜爱、并自始至终陪伴着《新天翼之链》的玩家朋友们: 2008年12月30日10:00,我们将关闭《新天翼之链》的所有游戏服务器。与此同时,《新天翼之链》也将正式停止其在中国大陆地区的运营。








世纪天成  12月12日


If one online game can have its service stopped for twice, that must be a rare happening, but TalesWeaver still did it.
